Our Thoughts

Behavioural Change White Paper.

8th April 2020,

Understanding how understanding the process and challenges behind the development of new habits is key to every single piece of work we do.  In our White Paper Oliver and the team take you through an easy-to-understand description of the psychology and neuropsychology of behaviour change.  By developing a deeper understanding of this process and, in turn, increased … Read More

Leading for Transformation

8th April 2020,

Read the White Paper authored by Ollie with Chris Bones from Good Growth where they explore their experiences of Leading for Transformation and provide a framework for leaders at all levels.

Perhaps it’s time that we took a bit of a step back and considered what we want from our teams working at home.

6th April 2020,

I’m not wanting any medals or anything, but I’ve worked pretty hard over the last couple of weeks. Early starts, lots of calls, logging on in the evening – jam-packed days seem to be the norm around here at the moment. Unsurprisingly, speaking to clients and friends I’m hearing the same thing from them. Far … Read More

Keep calm….and choose the right playlist!

16th March 2020,

We all know that music can be uplifting and inspirational, and these are two things we could definitely do with more of at times like these.  Whether you are going about business in your usual location or adjusting to working from home, the right auditory climate could really help to boost your mood and your … Read More

Which team is your team?

18th April 2018,

If you lead within a larger organisation you might belong to a number of different teams. Ask yourself which is more important to you – the one you are part of or the one you lead?

Five top tips to try with your team

18th April 2018,

There is something truly exhilarating about the experience of working within a team which works well together to achieve its aims. But getting to that point can be really challenging so here are a few useful tips to try out.

Do you know your Goleman from your Lewin? – Leadership Styles Explained

13th December 2017,

Effective leadership can be like the Holy Grail in so many situations and in particular at work. We often refer to Goleman’s Leadership Styles.

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (and how to overcome them)

6th November 2017,

Do teams play a key role in the delivery of results for you at work? If there is only one book or theory you can read we’d recommend The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni.

Training vs. Coaching

4th October 2017,

Together training and coaching can powerfully complement one another to give a holistic learning experience and to ensure that the knowledge is put to good use.

Management and Leadership

13th September 2017,

Management and leadership may differ in the way they are each defined, but in practical terms they are both necessary for success.

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OM Change & Transformation Ltd

Company number: 09050369. Registered in England.
Fusion Hive, North Shore Road, Stockton-on-Tees, TS18 2NB

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